Adventure Therapy


The process of healing is as much for others as it is for ourselves. When we live in relationships with others, they become co-survivors in our cancer journey. While the trauma is happening to us, others who love us must sit on the sideline, observing all our pain. They may not understand it right away but they too are being changed by this disease, which makes being aware of this healing process, and walking through it, even more important.

The process of healing is as much for others as it is for ourselves. When we live in relationships with others, they become co-survivors in our cancer journey. While the trauma is happening to us, others who love us must sit on the sideline, observing all our pain. They may not understand it right away but they too are being changed by this disease, which makes being aware of this healing process, and walking through it, even more important.

This is the season of trauma. Nothing can be done except to act, however possible, to minimize the damage and pain. Fire represents how life feels when a threat exists. In the experience of cancer, this is where our emotions remain until treatment ends.
This is the season of trauma. Nothing can be done except to act, however possible, to minimize the damage and pain. Fire represents how life feels when a threat exists. In the experience of cancer, this is where our emotions remain until treatment ends.
The trauma is over, but we must observe the damage done. Often, this is the first time we see what has been lost. This season requires a detailed look at not only what was lost, but also what remains. It represents the first year after treatment or early-survivorship.
The trauma is over, but we must observe the damage done. Often, this is the first time we see what has been lost. This season requires a detailed look at not only what was lost, but also what remains. It represents the first year after treatment or early-survivorship.

Decisions are made during this season on how to move forward, and the first steps are taken on a new path.

Decisions are made during this season on how to move forward, and the first steps are taken on a new path.

Life is built and rebuilt until the new path feels true to who we are today.
Life is built and rebuilt until the new path feels true to who we are today.
Once we are no longer in pain and begin to feel strong in our newly regrown life, a natural response is to see the lives of others differently. Trauma exponentially multiplies empathy, and in this season, you can choose to use your restored strength to support others.
Once we are no longer in pain and begin to feel strong in our newly regrown life, a natural response is to see the lives of others differently. Trauma exponentially multiplies empathy, and in this season, you can choose to use your restored strength to support others.