I must begin with a statement of gratitude to everyone who helped bring our annual art walk together this year. It was deeply meaningful to see the 40 paintings from the children we served, hanging next to photography from my travels, hanging next to many paintings from individuals impacted by cancer. We all told our stories differently, but each piece and the collection told a powerful story. Most of us were not professional artists, but we used what we had to create something completely new. Our stories hung side-by-side, creating a unified voice. Each of us captured a unique moment, and then we gave away that moment as a gift. It was beautiful.
This holiday season, which is quickly approaching, is also defined by moments given as gifts. Gifts of time for gathering. Gifts of generosity for our family and community. Gifts of hope for a purposeful tomorrow.
The gift of hope. . .
Hope changes our expectations, how we see those around us, and how we use our stories. During the holidays, hope changes the atmosphere of life. It is easy to hope during the holidays because were taught this as a skill from childhood. Hoping for that prized toy or time with our favorite uncle. These hopes filled us with unparalleled anticipation. It gave the holidays their color, their light, their value.
Hope is unlimited.
I can hope for snow even if it has never snowed at my home. I can hope for my family to be together even though relationships are broken. I can hope, from the depths of my desires, for a peaceful good even when the year has proven to be a strained hardship.
The holidays permit us to embrace hope.
As we enter into this season, choose to hope. Write your hopes down. Allow them to become a whimsical childlike desire. Then, follow up your hopeful perspectives with action. Believe in the things you hope for, walk through the next couple of months expecting to find those good things waiting for your, and let’s see what just might happen.